Situated in Southern Africa and bordered by South Africa in the South, Botswana in the East, Angola in the North, Zambia in the South East and the Atlantic Ocean in the West, Namibia is a country of diverse cultures and languages.
When you visit Namibia, you will find all types of girls, from different social and cultural backgrounds. It should be said that Namibian girls are one of the sexiest girls you will ever meet. They are cute, hilarious and proud to prove themselves as one of the girls you would like to have.
African girls are usually the conservative types who shy away from social taboos associated with Western lifestyles that are often seen as “unAfrican”.The African girl is disciplined and taught to behave like a lady by the elders because she is a valuable possession waiting for lobola (bride price).However, when you visit Namibia, you will meet a different kind of African woman. It’s almost like you are in Europe. The Namibian girl is sexually confident and she does not shy away from flaunting her God-given assets.
Namibian girls are very assertive and straightforward. They do not beat about the bush or play mind games. They are the type of girl who goes for what they want and they will be honest with you. On your first date, if a Namibian girl tells you that you must come with her to the bar or shop to buy a drink for her boyfriend, friend, brother, uncle or brother, do not be surprised. That is how straightforward they are. Most of the time, a Namibian girl will not know that you are dating her unless you are explicit about it. Actions don’t mean anything until you say it.
A Namibian girl will tell you the truth if she is enjoying her sex life or not. She will let you know if you are not pleasing her in bed, and she will tell you if you are doing it right or not.
So what are the different types of girls in Namibia? First, it is important to classify girls according to the tribes found in Nambia.There are remarkable differences among the different tribes and some general similarities in certain areas, and of course not forgetting that like any other woman in the world, they will exhibit some female emotions and tendencies. When you are dating a Namibian woman, the differences among the tribes will help you to understand them. If you understand a person, it is easier to deal with them, and this will prevent a lot of potential clashes that are caused by ignorance or lack of understanding.
The common tribes found in Namibia are Wambo, Damara, Nama, Herero, the Himba, the San, Baster, Colored, Tswana and White. You will also find the Lozi in the Zambezi region (formerly known as the Caprivi region) and the vaKavango in the Kavango region.
Let’s look at the 5 main tribes – the Wambo, Damara, Nama, Baster/Colored and Herero. We shall look at the pros and cons of dating each type of girl, the desirable and undesirable qualities. Let’s face it, the British have something to say about the French and vice versa, so why not say something about Namibian girls?
General Qualities of Namibian Girls
Warning: If you are looking for an intelligent girl, then Namibia has a big shortage of this type of girl. However,as you will discover they know how to make up for this with sex appeal.Do not take yourself seriously...they love fun.
Wambo Girls
Wambo or Vambo girls speak the Oshiwambo language. They are mainly concentrated in the northern part of the country.
- Most of them are not into smoking, drugs or alcohol abuse
- Humble and simple
- She will not give you enough respect if you are not from the clan village
- She can be very argumentative if you are not from the tribal village
- Will tell blue lies to cover up her lies and faults
- Dumb.
Damara Girls
Damara girls speak the Damara language and they mainly concentrated in central, eastern, western and southern parts of the country.
- Hardworking
- Good cooks
- Very liberal
- Cute and Sweet
- Have problems with too much drinking and late night partying
- Will want you to help her family,brothers,sisters and relatives
- They live like there is no tomorrow. Cannot plan for the future
- Very irresponsible
- Very unreliable
- Very trashy
- They behave like beggars. Always broke and squandering money on beer.
- Very selfish and unappreciative.Somehow,they think they are owed
- Always making noise, fighting and just being a nonsense.
- Very jealous
- They are never sorry for stealing behind your back when they get the chance, never leave them alone in your house.
- Very promiscuous. Most of them will have several children from different fathers
- They lack moral values.
Herero Girls
Herero girls speak the Herero language. They are found in most parts of the country, mainly in the Eastern, Western, Central and Northern parts of the country.
- Disciplined
- Appreciates the support you give her
- Very selective
- Tradition allows sexual relations between the woman and her uncles
- The bride price is very high
- Inter-tribal marriage is discouraged
- Can be snobbish
- Untidy
- They like sex flings and scandals
Nama Girls
Nama girls speak the Nama language which is related to the Damara language. The language is usually called Damara/Nama to show the relation between them. Namas are people of mixed heritage between the white settlers and the indigenous San/Khoisan tribes. They are concentrated in the Southern region of the country including Central and Western Namibia.
- Cute and sweet
- Hardworking
- Good cooks
- Very liberal
- Can be very deceptive
- Can be very unreliable
- Can have problems with too much drinking and late night partying
- Her financial problems can drain your bank account
- Can be so selfish and ungrateful
- They live like there is no tomorrow. Cannot plan for the future
- Very irresponsible
- Very unreliable
- Very trashy
- They behave like beggars. Always broke and squandering money on beer.
- Very selfish and unappreciative.Somehow,they think they are owed
- Always making noise, fighting and just being a nonsense.
- Very jealous
- They are never sorry for stealing behind your back when they get the chance, never leave them alone in your house.
- Very promiscuous. Most of them will have several children from different fathers
- They lack moral values.
Baster/Colored Girls
Baster girls are coloured girls originating from Cape Town who came to settle in Rehoboth and areas around Windhoek many years ago. There are also coloured people with no roots to Rehoboth in many parts of Namibia.
- Cute and sweet
- Liberal
- Have problems with drunkenness and late night partying
- Have problems with drug abuse and smoking
- Like swearing (this can seem normal if you are from a Western country)
- Can be irresponsible and unreliable
- Dysfunctional family problems
- Can be very demanding financially
- Identity problems
The observations are open to debate but this is a fair description based on reality. This is a valuable piece of information because no sugar-coating has been done.
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