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Sunday, June 1, 2014

20 Weird Things about Namibian Women

As expected, this post will piss off some people because it tells the truth. Who are these people? They are women who don’t like seeing other successful women and men who don’t like seeing a successful woman. Apparently these people have a twisted and corrupt view of women rights which they are deliberately brainwashing the Namibian woman with. If you talk about self-destructive things that women do, they will accuse you of being a sexist, a cave man and all type of shit.They want to see a woman who is a successful drunkard, alcohol abuser, school dropout and STD carrier. In short, they want to see a woman who is a successful failure. Why would somebody be satisfied with a dumb woman around them? It’s easy, a dumb woman can easily be taken advantage of, her mind only appeals to shallow things and temporary pursuits which will ruin her life permanently. The question is do you want to be a dumb woman or do you want to be an intelligent woman who uses her God-given brain to think? 

Without wasting time, here are weird things that most Namibian women do. Some of them are hard to understand. Some of them are just a case of blindly following the crowd, trying to fit in or just plain ignorance. Above all, you can be ignore me at your own peril when I tell you that most Namibian women exhibit tendencies of a brain damaged woman.Honestly,I really hate seeing misguided women who mess up their lives and above all, I hate people who impart a negative influence on women, people who claim to care for women when they don’t. These are people who keep quiet when a woman is on a self-destruct path, just like the Evil Joker in the Batman movie, they want everybody in Gotham City to go down. You will never hear them encouraging responsible behaviour, they just pop up to defend whoring, alcohol abuse, gold digging, moral decay and all sorts of vices in the name of “women’s rights”. Here is the weird scenario:

  1. More Namibian women than men are getting involved in gambling. She will gamble away her monthend salary or weekend wages like an irresponsible man. I have never understood this.
  2. They like partying and drinking so much, they will leave a baby locked inside a room for 24 hours.Oh my god
  3. Her idea of being an independent woman is gold digging from a hard working guy and feeding her lazy boyfriend who is just there for sex. I have never understood why somebody has the guts to do this.
  4. They have a serious inferiority complex. Some black Namibian girls will make babies with a stranger because they want a mixed light-skinned baby. The love of Brazilian hair and skin whitening cream is not just a beauty thing for these girls, it goes much deeper than that. Very troubling. So you slept with that European tourist because you just want a light-skinned baby? It’s not a joke, I know many girls who did that and some who plan to do it.
  5. Her career plan is making several babies from different fathers and living on child support. Very common thing here. Not much of a surprise
  6. They like multiple relationships but end up all alone and single for life.Oh, you are just playing yourself, God knows what you did and what you deserve, by the time you want to settle down, it will be too late playergirl.
  7. If you ask her if she needs anything, she might say no, then steal behind your back. Apparently they call it “pride” but I find it weird to be proud of stealing. You should be ashamed of stealing and be proud to ask.
  8. They like airtime, you can’t end 2 or 3 chats without being asked to send airtime, and most of the time she will use your airtime to chat with another guy.
  9. She thinks stealing is cool, somehow she steals because she thinks the world owes her. She steals because her boyfriend doesn’t give her anything or her ex-boyfriend didn’t give it to her. Wow, am I supposed to finance your relationship? I thought it takes 2 to tango, not 3.
  10. She wants to live like a millionaire yet she doesn’t want to work for it.
  11. She wants to be in all kinds of relationships at the same time.
  12. They go around sexing aimlessly and getting nowhere.
  13. She thinks you are cheating because have you have internet.
  14. She gets angry when you tell her to get a job.
  15. She wants a big paycheck yet she failed school
  16. They want to go to Brazil,I don’t know why
  17. She asks for a $100 or $200 the next day after the first date.
  18. The majority of them want to be dancers or singers.
  19. They are aspiring porn artists, never missing an opportunity to show off their asses or boobs in front of the camera.
  20. They will have multiple relationships in a space of 3 months and still think they ain’t bitches.

I believe some of the behaviors above are caused by uncontrollable circumstances such as the high cost of living which is only getting worse by the day. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger, and the woman in Katutura has no choice but sink in vice. People don’t eat talk about women’s rights, so don’t pretend to care for women when you don’t. If you cared enough for women, you would tell them the truth that makes them succeed in life.Yeah I’m talking about you and you! Look at me.

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