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Which is the Best Namibian Woman to Date?

Forget about sugar-coated tales. This is news from the grapevine. The myth about Namibian women is revealed. Here is what to expect whe...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

6 Facts About Namibian Women

So you met that cute Namibian woman at the shopping mall or club, and you have no clue what drives her world?  Most of the time, people dive into relationships without understanding the background of the other person. The result is an ugly ending but you could have saved yourself some stress by scrutinizing her background. Here are some facts about Namibian girls that you have to accept before you dive in:

Namibian Women Have No Values:

Yes, you read right, Namibian women have no values. If you find a woman who goes on about her values, then she is faking it. She is most probably a hypocrite who acts decent when the situation suits her but what she does away from home is not exactly decent. Namibian women are groupies who will eat up any anything that is thrown at them by a perceived social influencer, usually a bored Grade 10 girl who is always posting dumb statuses about her opinions on Facebook.

Namibian Girls Like Sex:

Namibian girls are already burdened with serious relationship problems at 16 years. While girls from other countries are concerned about school and homework at this age, Namibian girls are busy stressing about relationships on Facebook.Just check the Facebook status of most Namibian girls, they are always whining 24/7 about guys, love and broken relationships.

The Namibian woman is forever in search of love and fun that she can’t seem to find. Her idea of fun is having multiple relationships with different guys, hence she is disappointed and hurt at the end of the day.

The Namibian girl is forever in search of a cute guy who doesn’t love her in return, a guy who is not there, a guy who cheats on her regularly. She is dogged by self-esteem issues. To her, a relationship is about being seen with a cute guy in town.

Namibian women believe in multiple sex relationships, it is normal for a Namibian girl to have more than one sexual partner. The partners in the sex triangle are usually the regular boyfriend, the entertainment provider, the financial provider and transport provider. At the end of the day, she will be having kids from some or all of these guys. It looks like an unwritten rule of society, so they will proudly engage in multiple relationships. They don’t believe in stable family life, it’s all about fun and having sex with so and so.

Warning: Never take a Namibian woman seriously, there is a can of worms waiting to be found. Surprise, surprise.

They Are All Drunkards:

If you just want to have fun, it’s okay, they are the best sport.Beer, beer, beer and more BEER. That’s all they understand. Beer + Dumb Guy + Namibian Woman = Best Friends ,and the bonus is Sex. If she tells you she doesn’t drink beer, then she is lying. She will drink behind your back or she is probably drinking beer with her club buddies.

Namibian Women Have Kids By 16:

If you randomly pick a woman at Town Square in Windhoek, there is a 70% probability the woman is a single mother with kids from different fathers. At 16 years, most Namibian girls are already pregnant before they finish school. If she doesn’t have a kid, make no mistake, she is using some protection but has definitely had some one-night stands.

Namibian Women Are Dumb:

You can’t have an intelligent conversation with a Namibian woman. They view the world through sexual lenses. If you are cute or sexually desirable, anything you say is intelligent. They are so naive, not capable of thinking, fake and very shallow.

Namibian Women Are Selfish:

Namibian women have this stupid attitude that they will always get a caring man after sleeping around and making unwanted kids from one-night stands.Apparently, they expect a good man with a clean record, but they forget to look themselves in the mirror. The spoiled Namibian woman will post something like this:

My name is Ndeshi, I am a 36 years old black woman, HIV positive with 3 kids looking for a respectful man to marry me. He must not smoke or drink. He must be healthy, have a good job, house and car. White men only. Please reply to this number 081********

The above Ad is a real Ad posted by Namibian women. It sums up what a Namibian is like, very selfish, dumb, stupid, diseased, trashy…and any every word that you can imagine.

So this woman Ndeshi, is looking for a good, respectful man now, what has she been doing for the last 20 years? Sleeping around, clubbing, partying, getting drunk and making babies with strangers. She thought she could do anything with her body and have fun…got influenced by her dumb single friends, but time is not a woman’s best friend. Who wants to marry a 36 year old woman who has caught up with age?

Buddha Quote:  “The trouble is, you think have time” 

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